Forms and Documents

Club Standard Forms and Documents

  • (Some WSC files called “Fillable” let you enter data into fields with
    Adobe Acrobat Reader before printing or EMailing! We greatly prefer to see computer-filled forms rather than having to read handwriting. See below for directions on using a computer to fill out such forms).




Action Bays

Sporting Clays



Wood Bow Clinic

  1. Getting to the Stave
  2. Removing Wood

Game Preserve

Education and Training



See also these informational pages

Filling out “Fillable” PDF Documents

The most reliable way to fill out a PDF form online is to use Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  1. Download the form to your hard drive (right mouse click on the form link and pick Save File As…).
  2. Open the PDF file on your hard drive outside of your browser with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  3. Fill in the PDF file’s form fields.
  4. Save the PDF file back to the hard drive (File => Save).
  5. Print or EMail the PDF file, as appropriate.

Many other PDF viewers and browser plugins cannot fill forms reliably. If you are having trouble filling out a form, there may be a solution:

If all else fails, just print the PDF and fill it out with a pen.