Author Archives: BobCarter

Bear on Club Grounds, 18-Aug’14

On Monday, 18-Aug’14 we received a report that a few styrofoam archery targets had been found ripped up on the east 3D course, and we suspect it is the work of a black bear. There have been numerous reports of bears in Westford. If you encounter a bear, do not approach it and keep any dogs under control.

Reminder: 2013 Work Assessments

If you didn’t accomplish your 2013 work assessment and did not pay the work assessment fee with your 2014 renewal (you know who you are) you have until the end of 2014 to pay that 2013 work assessment fee — otherwise, you will not be considered a member in good standing. Please contact either Dennis Morin, Mark Annese or Mike Onesty if you have questions.