The Game Preserve at the Westford Sportsman’s Club is open to all active club members and their guests.
(The following info is summarized in a printable document).
Dates, Times, and Location
- Stocking dates: Stocking takes place weekly from September 15th through November 27th, 2023. A total of 20 birds are stocked per week:
- 10 birds are stocked on Wednesday or Thursday.
- 10 birds are stocked on Saturday.
The stocking schedule is posted on the announcement board at the Club.
- Location: Birds are stocked on the Groton side of the property. The map is shown in the clubhouse.
- The preserve is first opened for hunting from September 15th until November 26th.
- The preserve is then closed from November 27th to December 9th
- The preserve then reopens for hunting on December 10th until March 31st, 2024. The preserve is not restocked during this period, but you may purchase birds for your own stocking. Order birds from the WSC Game Preserve Chair.
- A minimum of a hunter orange cap must be worn while hunting on the property.
- All persons hunting on club property must have a current Massachusetts hunting or sporting license.
- Hunting hours. When the preserve is open:
- On weekdays, hunting is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
- On Saturdays in September, hunting is allowed from 1:00PM through sunset;
and on Saturdays in October-March from sunrise to sunset. - On Sundays, Game Preserve hunting is allowed (notwithstanding Massachusetts hunting regulations) from 1:00PM through sunset.
- Guests are to be accompanied by a club member at all times.
- Limit: 2 birds per person per day, unless you purchase more birds.
It is recommended that hunters use dogs to pursue any released birds.
- Shooting more than 2 birds requires a payment of $20 per bird for each bird shot beyond the first 2.
- You may bring a guest, but if your guest shoots a bird, it is $20 per bird.
- You can buy additional birds and stock them yourself. It is $20 per bird.
- Payments may be made to the treasurer at the clubhouse’s lower level.
- Please put a note in the box stating that this is for pheasants, along with your payments.
- Checks should be made out to “Westford Sportsmen’s Club”.
- After every successful hunt, submit a completed hunt form documenting the number of birds you shoot. Blank forms are located on the clubhouse announcement board.
- Name
- License number
- Date
- Number of birds shot
- Attach a leg tag on all harvested birds before you leave the club grounds, using tags from the envelope on the clubhouse bulletin board.
Enjoy your hunt!