
April 19, 2021

Patriots' Day

Category: Holidays Patriots' Day

April 19, 2021

Trap Team Practice

Trap Team Practice

April 19, 2021

Both of WSC's Trap fields are open on Mondays in summer for Trap Team Practice.

For our members on the Greater Lowell Trap League, this is a great time to get in practice in lighting situations similar to League evening shoots.

(In theory shooting continues until sunset,
but most evenings folks get their fill before then).

Direct any questions to our Trap Chair.

ONLINE Executive Board Meeting

Category: Administration ONLINE Executive Board Meeting

April 19, 2021

Due to pandemic precautions,
the E-Board meets via teleconference.

Questions to the Vice President,
who leads E-Board meetings.

Indoor range remains closed,
because the entire clubhouse remains closed.