
Events in September 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
August 28, 2016(1 event)

Trap Fields Open

August 28, 2016

Sunday afternoon trap.

Trap continues to run until the shooters who arrived promptly at 1PM have worn out themselves (and the scorers). This usually occurs by 3PM. So to get the most out of your afternoon, show up at the start of the session.

Questions to the Trap Chair.

August 29, 2016
August 30, 2016
August 31, 2016(1 event)

Informal Pistol Team Practice (Indoor Range Reserved)

August 31, 2016

Time to start knocking the rust off. Hope to see as many team members as can make it. WSC club members also welcomed to attend to watch, get information, ask questions, try bullseye target shooting.

Contact the Indoor Pistol chair for more details.

September 1, 2016
September 2, 2016
September 3, 2016
September 4, 2016(2 events)

Granite State Bowhunters 3-D Shoot, All Archers Welcome!

September 4, 2016

The Archery group is hosting a Granite State Bowhunters 3D shoot.

Adult GSB shooters with membership cards pay $12, non-members $15 - save $3 by joining GSB at registration ($10 for individuals, $15 for families). Under 18's shoot free.

The clubhouse upstairs will be running a cafe, so the indoor range is closed for the duration. Outdoor ranges should remain open.

Questions to the Archery Chair.

Trap Fields Open

September 4, 2016

Sunday afternoon trap.

Trap continues to run until the shooters who arrived promptly at 1PM have worn out themselves (and the scorers). This usually occurs by 3PM. So to get the most out of your afternoon, show up at the start of the session.

Questions to the Trap Chair.

September 5, 2016(1 event)

Labor Day

September 5, 2016

September 6, 2016(1 event)
September 7, 2016(1 event)

Informal Pistol Team Practice (Indoor Range Reserved)

September 7, 2016

Time to start knocking the rust off. Hope to see as many team members as can make it. WSC club members also welcomed to attend to watch, get information, ask questions, try bullseye target shooting.

Contact the Indoor Pistol chair for more details.

September 8, 2016
September 9, 2016
September 10, 2016
September 11, 2016(2 events)

Trap Fields Open

September 11, 2016

Sunday afternoon trap.

Trap continues to run until the shooters who arrived promptly at 1PM have worn out themselves (and the scorers). This usually occurs by 3PM. So to get the most out of your afternoon, show up at the start of the session.

Questions to the Trap Chair.

Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Indoor range closed)

September 11, 2016

Cub Scout Pack 95 will be meeting in both the clubhouse upstairs, and on the infield. The indoor range will be closed.

Direct questions to the WSC Scouting Liaison.

September 12, 2016(1 event)

*Rescheduled* General Membership Meeting (dinner: UItimate Nachos)

September 12, 2016

General Membership meeting. Indoor range closed.
Ultimate Nachos (Build Your Own) and your choice of beverage - all for only $5.00.

September 13, 2016
September 14, 2016(1 event)

Informal Pistol Team Practice (Indoor Range Reserved)

September 14, 2016

Time to start knocking the rust off. Hope to see as many team members as can make it. WSC club members also welcomed to attend to watch, get information, ask questions, try bullseye target shooting.

Contact the Indoor Pistol chair for more details.

September 15, 2016
September 16, 2016(1 event)

Guest Speaker Tom Weaver: Protecting Our Freedom and Rights

September 16, 2016

If we wish to remain an exceptional nation, we must understand what made us exceptional in the first place. We must read and understand the words and intent of our country's founding documents. Come to a FREE presentation delivered by a local Constitution aficionado, Tom Weaver. With much at stake, including threats to our Bill of Rights, the time to hear this message is now. Q&A to follow, and light refreshments served. RSVP to the Sportswomen chair.

The indoor range will be closed during the event.

September 17, 2016(2 events)

Home Firearm Safety Class

September 17, 2016

Home Firearm Safety Class held in the clubhouse. Indoor range closed. This course is held through the Roudenbush Community Center in Westford.

This course teaches the basic knowledge and skill of operating firearms and explains the attitude necessary for safe handling and proper storage of guns in the home. The course includes lessons on the rules for safe gun handling, identifying and unloading different firearms, practical exercises in safe gun handling, types of ammunition, cleaning and safe storage of firearms, as well as a general overview of Massachusetts gun laws.


Drive-In Movie and Classic Car Night

September 17, 2016

Some carbuffs amongst the membership plan to cruise on in with their favorite flivvers. After the sun sets a movie will be shown on a giant outdoor screen. All WSC members are invited to join them. $10/car donation appreciated to defray costs.

Questions to the game preserve chair.

September 18, 2016(4 events)

Open House Work Party

September 18, 2016

This will be an overall clean-up of the grounds in preparation for the Open House, and an excellent way to satisfy your annual work requirement. Bring gloves, rakes and weed whackers, and meet at the tractor barn.

Please direct any questions to Geoff Lambert, Open House Chair.

New Member Presentation

September 18, 2016

A presentation for prospective members is held in the clubhouse. Indoor range is closed.

The meeting starts with the presentation, so please plan on being seated by the starting time. The meeting should last approximately one hour, depending on the number of applicants.


Outdoor Range Safety Briefing

September 18, 2016

If you are interested in using the outdoor ranges you must obtain an Orange Card by attending an Outdoor Range Safety Briefing, given by the Outdoor Range Chair. Please meet Ken at the clubhouse at 11:30 AM and allow 2 1/2 hours for this briefing. (We will be starting on schedule, so please be on time). You must bring hearing and eye protection. Ken requests that you bring something to shoot (pistol or rifle), appropriate ammo, and targets. However, please attend the briefing, with your eye/ear protection, even if you currently do not have a gun. If you are unable to attend the briefing on the Sunday immediately after the general meeting when you were initiated, or if you are a existing member planning to attend in order to finally obtain your Orange Card, please e-mail Ken to let him know whether or not to print your card. Ken will be using the Outdoor Range Rules which reside on the web site's Forms-Documents page.

Trap Fields Open

September 18, 2016

Sunday afternoon trap.

Trap continues to run until the shooters who arrived promptly at 1PM have worn out themselves (and the scorers). This usually occurs by 3PM. So to get the most out of your afternoon, show up at the start of the session.

Questions to the Trap Chair.

September 19, 2016(1 event)

Executive Board Meeting (Indoor Range CLOSED)

September 19, 2016

E-board meets in the clubhouse. Indoor range is closed.

September 20, 2016(1 event)

Indoor Pistol Range GSSR Briefing - 7:00 to 8:00pm - Range Reserved

September 20, 2016

Required briefing to obtain access to use Indoor Pistol Range.  Bring gun and approved target ammo.

September 21, 2016(1 event)

Informal Pistol Team Practice (Indoor Range Reserved)

September 21, 2016

Time to start knocking the rust off. Hope to see as many team members as can make it. WSC club members also welcomed to attend to watch, get information, ask questions, try bullseye target shooting.

Contact the Indoor Pistol chair for more details.

September 22, 2016
September 23, 2016
September 24, 2016(1 event)

Indoor Range closed for maintenance

September 24, 2016

The range is closed for two hours.

For more info, contact the Indoor Range Chair.

September 25, 2016(2 events)

Open House Work Party

September 25, 2016

This will be an overall clean-up of the grounds in preparation for the Open House, and an excellent way to satisfy your annual work requirement. Bring gloves, rakes and weed whackers, and meet at the tractor barn.

Please direct any questions to Geoff Lambert, Open House Chair.

Trap Fields Open

September 25, 2016

Sunday afternoon trap.

Trap continues to run until the shooters who arrived promptly at 1PM have worn out themselves (and the scorers). This usually occurs by 3PM. So to get the most out of your afternoon, show up at the start of the session.

Questions to the Trap Chair.

September 26, 2016
September 27, 2016
September 28, 2016(1 event)

Informal Pistol Team Practice (Indoor Range Reserved)

September 28, 2016

Time to start knocking the rust off. Hope to see as many team members as can make it. WSC club members also welcomed to attend to watch, get information, ask questions, try bullseye target shooting.

Contact the Indoor Pistol chair for more details.

September 29, 2016
September 30, 2016
October 1, 2016(2 events)

Sporting Clays (one round only)

October 1, 2016

Shooting on our Sporting Clays course.
Our fee schedule.

Questions to the chair.