July 26, 2014
Handgun Shooting Clinic
July 26, 2014
To help improve your shooting and safety, Jim Conway will be hosting a handgun shooting clinic from 12 PM to 5 PM. $20 for members; $35 for non-members. Costs to cover targets and other materials. Pre-registration is required. Clinic will be capped at 30 people. Handgun range will be reserved for the duration of the clinic.
This is a clinic and not a course and, as such, it is focused on problem solving. If you know what your shooting problems are, please let us know. We want to help you. To attend you will need eye and ear protection, a usable handgun, with spare magazines and a holster that covers the trigger guard. If you do not have a holster, just bring a hand towel. The amount of ammunition that you will need is a bit hard to specify, but my best guess is that you will need somewhere between 250 and 400 rounds.
EMail Jim to register: