September 23, 2018

Open House Trap Field Work Party

Open House Trap Field Work Party

8:00 am 12:00 pm
September 23, 2018

There will be a work party to get the Trap grounds cleaned up for the Open House, and an excellent way to satisfy your annual work requirement.

This is the short list of the tasks to be completed:

  • Rake up the plastic hulls
  • Clean out the trap building (kind of a deep cleaning)
  • Finish the water proofing of house 1
  • Paint both trap houses
  • Weed whack as needed

If there are are extra helpers we will work on the *NEW* flag pole area. If the time allows there are a couple of small barn related chores we can tackle.

Bring gloves, "grubby" jeans and shirt, and work boots; meet at the tractor barn..

Please direct any questions to the Trap Chair.

Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Indoor range closed)

Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Indoor range closed)

2:30 pm 6:00 pm
September 23, 2018

Cub Scout Pack 95 will be meeting in both the clubhouse upstairs, and on the infield. The indoor range is closed for the duration.

Direct questions to the WSC Scouting Liaison.

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